Cambodian Journalists learn technical to report on climate change

14 Cambodian journalists, 4 as women who are working with local media learn how to report deeper on climate change. This three days training, 21 – 23 August, 2013 at Hagar Catering Restaurant, Phnom Penh, organizes by Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) funded by DAC/CA.

The purpose of the training is to improve journalist’s knowledge of climate change issues, particularly their awareness of its technical aspects and their ability to support the advocacy works of CSOs through media.

First day, experts from ministry of environment, INGOs and local which working on CC were invited to share on relevant topics, such as CC finance, CC strategic plan, and CC information. Journalist trainer also shared about technical writing on CC on the third day. Second day, journalists did the field study visit the CC adaptation site that initiated by CEDAC at Samaky Meanchey district, Kampong Chhnang.

Training pre and post-test addressed that the journalists understanding of the course of the climate change, the impact of climate change, Cambodian climate change strategic plan and budget and get knowledge of the climate change mitigation and adaptation. The participants also are able to recognize their news sources and write abstract related to climate change.

According to climate change pressure group, German Watch[1], Cambodia is one of the top 5 countries in the world, negatively affected by climate change from flooding to drought, from famine to disease.[2] And 1987-17: 12 flood, killed 1,125 people and economic loss over $300 million, 5 droughts: economic loss over $ 140 m, 2009: typhoon ketsana affected 14 provinces, killed 43 people, 87 injured, 49,787 families lost shelters and livelihoods. WB estimated the total damages and economic losses about 132m.

Those participants come from 14 media institutions such as, Radio FM Kratie 100 MHz, National Radio Cham kar Chek BB, VOD, Kampuchea thmey, Kampuchea Thngai Nis, CNC, Hong Meas TV, Radio FM 102.25 MHz, Radio FM 104 MHz, Vea You FM, ABC FM, DAP, TKV and CWCC FM.

[1] German Watch is an independent development and environmental organisation which lobbies for sustainable global development. See

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