Staffs at Cambodia Center for Independent Media (CCIM) completed a two-day training in Gender-Sensitive Media last week. The course was trained by a local gender expert and researcher Sok Leang at a Phnom Penh hotel for two days- April 4 and March 28, 2022.
The aim of training is to enhance the capability of CCIM’s staff about how to promote gender equity, to aware gender issues, empower women and sensitize gender inside the organization itself and through media publication of all forms.
During the days, they were trained and had discussed about gender issues and media reporting in Cambodia, the importance of gender sensitization in media in Cambodia society at different circumstances, 9 principles of gender-sensitive media and how to ease gender issues through news broadcasting content, etc.
Background: UNESCO had spent two years in preparing gender-sensitive indicators for media began from 2010 to contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment in and through media of all forms, irrespective of the technology used.