The network of citizen journalists in Cambodia continues to expand and strengthen as the Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) launched three batches of training held in the provinces attended by around 25 citizen journalists (CJs) each training.

Customized Trainings
From April to June 2022, a total of 80 province-based CJs, with 39 females, 33 youths, and 18 from indigenous peoples’ communities, have completed the series of training on basic journalism, specifically on news reporting on human rights issues and community news. Using lectures, small group discussions, roleplays and field trips, the CJs are trained to report community news with factual information.
Sharing of Reflections

On the evening of the first day of these trainings, CCIM held a reflection sharing with the participants during the solidarity dinner to welcome and know each other closer. They shared their achievements, challenges, concerns, and needs for support to strengthen mutual understanding and networking and encourage others to renew their commitment as citizen journalists. The CJs expressed the following needs and suggestions, among others: a) more training on code of ethics, advanced journalistic skills, freedom of expression, and rights of the CJs to gather information; b) legal representation and support to the citizen journalists facing legal threats and security issues; c) strengthen CJs’ commitment and expand the network up to the district level; d) categorize training for CJs based on the capacity, such as basic, intermediate and advanced groups; and d) more gathering and reflection sessions among the CJs.
Confidence Building
A female citizen journalist in Kampong Speu province, Mrs. Mom Sophy, attended the 4th CJ Refresher Training on Hard News Writing in Koh Kong on 25 to 26 May 2022. She appreciated this training as being helpful and fit her level.

Now, she is so confident with the news reporting and writing skills in which she later wrote an article entitled “A woman community leader demands justice for her broken hand by aggressive soldiers in Udom Sre Pus”.
“I learned to catch story angles and propose questions for each source in the story. Now, I see many stories to write and I wish to address the land issues in Kampong Speu province”, she added.
Through many trainings conducted early of this year, CCIM’s Citizen Journalists Networking (CJN) program has widen the network to more areas and reach the local people who are interested and learn on independent media.

Mr. Sngoun Nhean, who is a volunteer human rights observer and land activist, knew CJN through a VOD reporter who covered a field work and met with him in Kampong Chnang. Then, he began to build connection with CCIM team and asked to join capacity building and reporting skills.
In his opinion, citizen journalist can write and publish human rights issues to the public, thanks to CCIM’s initiative to involve him in a CJ training in May 2022.
He added, “I am so thankful for CCIM that invited me to join one of the CJ training. This is what I am so interested to learn as an active community member and land activist. Now, I am confident to write local stories, especially land and illegal logging.”
Increased Reporting from CJs
From April to June 2022, CCIM’s trained citizen journalists have produced a total of 22 reports, in which 7 are video reports focused on the topics of land, press freedom, migrations and other human rights issues. The figure shows an increase of 72.7 percent compared to previous quarter, with only 7 reports recorded from January to March.
One of the reports of the CJs that stands out and attracts wide audience on social media is the video report of Mr. Um Vichet when he covered the ongoing controversial conflict between villagers and militant families, whom the later are given social land concession by the government, in Udom Sre Pus community in Kampong Speu province on 30th May 2022.
His video report entitled “Udom Sre Pus Community Sadden by Huge Loss of Forest and No Immediate Solution” got a great engagement with 257 likes, 1200 shares, 13 comments and 18.4 k views.
After attending the 2nd Refresher Training in Kampot, Mr. Um Vichet said he acquired better understanding of Cambodian laws and fundamental human rights that every citizen could enjoy without fear or intimidation.
With CCIM’s guidance on news writing and safety plans, Mr. Vichet said he becomes more confident in covering sensitive stories and reporting on human rights issues, especially illegal logging, deforestation, corruption and other human rights issues.
He added, “It is good that citizen journalists had the opportunity to understand existing laws and their rights which is stated in the constitution […] while professional journalists usually prefer to write big stories or national issues, we fill this gap and play the role here.”
As of June 2022, the citizen journalists have produced 58 reports compared to the target of 137 reports of the project funded by USAID through DanChurchAid. (Article by Mr. Pich Chamrong)