CCIM kicks off expansion of citizen journalists’ network

Under the project “Samleng Sahakum” supported by the Internews, CCIM kicks off the expansion of its network of citizen journalists (CJs) by gathering the newly recruited 29 CJs with 12 females from 12 provinces of Cambodia on 03 May 2019 to discuss their tasks and prepare plans for the additional recruitment and training of new CJs.  These CJs were recruited as team leaders in the provinces of Svay Rieng, Siem Reap, Battambang, Oddor Meanchey, Sihanoukville, Mondulkiri, Pailin, Koh Kong, Takeo, Prey Veng, Kep and Tbong Khmum. 

In the discussion, the CJs agreed that they should be a role model of citizens in sharing community news to the public, participate actively in the network, exercise ethical practice of journalism, and encourage more citizen journalists to join the network. 

The newly recruited CJs expressed their interest and enthusiasm to recruit more CJs in their respective provinces as they initially planned on how to organize the training of to-be recruited CJs. At the end of the meeting the team leaders were provided with smartphones which they can use in communicating with CCIM project staffs, use in data gathering to produce new stories, and use in their recruitment of new CJs.

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