CCIM Annual Report 2011

CCIM Annual Report 2011Development in Cambodia has stalled in recent years due to poverty and lack of infrastructure resulting from the Khmer Rouge era. Basic rights such as freedom of expression, freedom of association, rule of law and media plurality are frequently threatened and sometimes disregarded entirely. The Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) works to overcome these disadvantages and to mobilize citizens through unbiased reporting and information sharing.

CCIM envisions a Cambodia with, “Everybody well-informed and educated, everybody developed”. Its mission is to be an independent and professional media institution providing news and information through innovative approaches across multiple media platforms.  In 2011, CCIM worked towards these goals through radio broadcasting, online news, print news, and a number of projects which engaged citizens and media professionals.

Through Voice of Democracy (VOD), CCIM promoted human rights reporting, good governance, and democracy, and provided the means for marginalized people to voice their problems and concerns. VOD Radio broadcasts via Sarika FM 106.5 in Phnom Penh and FM 95.5 in Siem Reap, with the potential to reach 8.5 million listeners. In the past year, VOD launched its online news site, and VOD Radio produced a total of 5,301 stories and 38 regular radio programs.

In addition to these core activities, CCIM led a number of media and community-based projects throughout the year. These projects focused on enhancing democracy, promoting freedoms of expression and association, and empowering community members to become active governance participants.  A number of capacity building trainings were also held in order to educate media representatives on how to effectively cover crucial social issues.

In order to sustainably fund these activities, CCIM drastically expanded its self-generated income throughout 2011.  Monthly income rose from being 5% of annual self-generate income in January to 12% in December. Overall, CCIM’s total self-generated income in 2011totaled 44% of CCIM’s total operating budget. This was achieved through airtime rentals, on-air advertising, productions, and online advertising.

While implementing these activities and maintaining daily operations, CCIM faced a number of challenges. The organization experienced a shortage of core funding donors, as well as a lack of professional equipment for effective production and broadcasting. CCIM also faces challenges in the future, with little participation from government officials in key discussions, as well as the rising costs of operating in a competitive and crowded media market. Despite these obstacles, CCIM looks confidently to the future, enthusiastically working to overcome these challenges while remaining focused on its primary goals. In 2012, CCIM hopes to strengthen its core activities and build on the successes of previous years. It will focus on improving the quality of its radio broadcasting, building media networks, and enhancing self-sustainability.

Click HERE to download the annual report.

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