CCIM Annual Report 2012

CCIM Annual Report 2012The Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) is committed to a professional, independent, multi-platform approach to improving democracy and good governance in Cambodia. In 2012, this has been achieved through dissemination of information and the encouragement of a participative culture as well as through cooperation with many organisations with similar goals.

During the past year, we were able to expand Voice of Democracy’s (VOD) reach through media alliances signing MoUs with various radio stations, and through cooperation with NGOs in other provinces. We fostered the professionalism and independence of citizens and journalists through workshops. We promoted dialogue between commune authorities and its members in commune administration and development. We provided extensive coverage of the commune electoral process receiving recognition for our unbiased reportage.

The efficacy of these projects among many others, and our continued production of public service orientated programming, was only possible thanks to our staff and supporters. Our clients and partners are not only important for keeping us independent from external forces but also provide the knowledge and skills necessary for us to reach our common goals. What sets CCIM apart from other media entities is not just its independence and commitment to bettering the lives of Cambodians but also their diligence in helping others to join in this mission through networking, collaboration and support. While carrying out such a challenging task, creating a pluralistic and independent media environment in Cambodia, we are always encouraged by the tireless efforts of CCIM’s staff, and the support and cooperation from all our partners.

We faced many challenges of censorship and blackmail during 2012 but are proud of our unwavering integrity. In 2012, freedom of expression in Cambodia was threatened and often breached. Last year saw the unjust prosecution of many journalists and human rights activists and the threat to access to information with a circular to close internet cafes. Let us not forget Hang Serei Oudom who lost his life and the many other media workers, worldwide, who were also killed.

The pressures we faced last year have reminded us of the need for more projects and more effort. In 2013 we are working harder to bridge the gap between citizens and the local media encouraging participation in talk shows and workshops and developing citizen journalists. CCIM will provide citizen journalists with smart phones so that they can better access information in their provinces and report to the media on local issues as they happen.  We look forward to the challenges and opportunities of the future. We know that through the capabilities of our staff and partners, with more funding we have the potential to continue to create positive change for Cambodia.

Click HERE to download the report.

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